2009年8月23日 星期日

The Dissertation Research- Austronesian of Festival

The dissertation research area is about visitors’ motivation in the ‘Austronesian of Festival’, and the weblog is to post our research process and discover about our research area. Why to choose this topic and festival? This is an only one international aboriginal people festival and hold in the city which has most aborigine people in Taiwan; however, the reason to choose this research area is that government in Taiwan has no deeper data and analysis in visitors’ motivation for research, therefore, we aim to find out the motivation from visitors and analysis their attendance purpose to verify with methods, finally, we can provide the research result and bring recommend out to government to improve this festival.
As I researched about this festival before, this festival is one of the twelve character festivals from different countries in Taiwan and selected by Tourism Bureau; that is means, government put the aboriginal culture for a focus promo event for Taiwan. We should review literatures which not only discuss about visitor motivation, but also other countries which has aboriginal festival as well, to compare with their visitor’s motivation and purpose to attendance festival; as the topic is to research motivation, we had set three objectives and hypothesis to identify the motivates for tourists to attendance this event; however, the methodology we use is questionnaire, to prove and measure the ‘motivation measurement’ which bring out by Lee et al. (2003) is the thirty-two motivation items in seven underlying dimensions.
The objectives we set to understand the reason for tourists to attendance this festival are suggested from Crompton and McKay (1997) that “identifying and prioritizing motives is a key ingredient in understanding visitors” decision process; however, due to the original task feedback, to set a explicit research goal, now we are focusing on three aspects:
1. To identify the underlying dimensions of motivations for visitors to participate the Austronesian of festival.
2. To identify attendance visitors have multi-purpose to Austronesian of Festival.
3. To consider the main target group demographic characteristics.
Thus, the hypothesis for this research is based on above three research objectives, and support by previous researchers’ research result. Furthermore, the framework is going to plan for more complete, the schedule I set before is to contact with 10 friends who are located in the county which is hold this festival, each person in charge of 30 questionnaires to spread by paper in the festival hold location, it will get 310 questionnaire samples; in this stage, the questionnaire will to extend into all Taitung county to research the visitor’s motivation, the strategy we bring out is to put our questionnaire in the stores which paste the festival poster by government, we consider that if people visit the festival because of the poster, and they will see the questionnaire as well, and we will take the questionnaire back after one week since the festival finish, this is the way to extend the questionnaire for get more visitor’s feedback and do not need to spend our time that much.
This reflective work is focusing on the objectives setting, evident it to worth to research and based on literatures research, more, to improve the framework structure; those are key elements for this dissertation research to be successful.
Crompton L. John & McKay L. Stacey, 1997. Motives of visitors attending festival events. Annual of tourism research, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 425-439.
Lee Choong-Ki & Lee Yong-Ki & Bruce E. Wicks, 2003. Segmentation of festival motivation by nationality and satisfaction. Tourism management, [Online] Vol. 25, pp. 61-70. Available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V9R-48R7C0Y-1&_user=634187&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000027518&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=634187&md5=11ec74f4f232a208fb6bc5ded757705d [Accessed 5th August 2009].